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SPAWN - Lagunitas Creek-Tocaloma/Jewell Floodplain and Riparian Enhancement Project
Point Reyes National Seashore » SPAWN - Lagunitas Creek-Tocaloma/Jewell Floodplain and Riparian Enhancement Project » Document List
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act, the SPAWN is beginning preparation of an Environmental Assessment for the National Park Service.
Scoping is the first step to involve the public in the NEPA process. The objective is to engage agencies, organizations, and the public early in the EA development process to receive input on the proposed action, to identify environmental issues that should be addressed in the EA, potential alternatives, and sources of data that should be considered. Scoping allows agency and public concerns to be identified early and helps focus the analysis on important issues.
The public scoping period is now open. To comment during the public scoping period, select the link to the left listing documents "open for comment". Comments should be completed by April 24, 2017, the close of the public scoping period. Comments may be submitted through the link to the left or by mail to the Park Superintendent, SPAWN Lagunitas Public Scoping, Point Reyes National Seashore, 1 Bear Valley Road, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956.
Contact Information
John Dell'OssoChief of Interpretation and Resource Education