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Rehabilitate 15.29 Miles of the Mineral King Road in Sequoia National Park
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks » Rehabilitate 15.29 Miles of the Mineral King Road in Sequoia National Park » Document List
The work includes re-paving the roadway within its existing width (including slightly more than one mile which is currently not paved), stabilizing and reinforcing cutslopes and the outside edge of the roadway, replacing and enlarging over 200 culverts, paving six currently unpaved parking lots near the end of the road, and adding accessible parking and equivalent experiences where feasible. Given the short construction season at high elevations, temporary road closures will likely be necessary throughout construction. The NPS anticipates that construction will begin, at the earliest, in 2024 and would occur over the course of several years.
In Spring 2021, the NPS solicited feedback on the proposed action during a 30-day public comment period extending from April 20 to May 19, 2021. The public scoping effort resulted in the receipt of 30 pieces of correspondence from members of the public. These pieces of correspondence have been reviewed by park staff and were considered in the decision-making process. A response to public comments is provided in the "Documents" section of this webpage.
Following public scoping and extensive internal reviews, the Superintendent of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks signed a categorical exclusion documentation form on June 10, 2022, documenting compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Through previous consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer, the NPS also determined that this proposed action will have no adverse effect to historic properties in compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act. In consultation with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the NPS also determined that this proposed action may affect and is likely to adversely affect fisher but that the proposed project is not likely to result in jeopardy to the fisher, in accordance with the Endangered Species Act. The Federal Highway Administration is now moving forward with seeking permits required under the Clean Water Act from the State of California and US Army Corps of Engineers. The categorical exclusion documentation form and associated documentation are available in the "Documents" section of this webpage.
Originating in Three Rivers, California and climbing over 6,500 feet in 25 miles to the road's terminus in the Mineral King Valley, the Mineral King Road provides access to hundreds of miles of wilderness trails within Sequoia National Park as well as two NPS front country campgrounds, Silver City Resort, and the small community of Mineral King.
Contact Information
Elly BoerkeEnvironmental Planning and Compliance Program Manager