Create Trail Plan/Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect for Hopewell Furnace NHS

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site » Create Trail Plan/Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect for Hopewell Furnace NHS » Document List

Hopewell Furnace National Historical Site is looking for public input on a trail assessment of the entire park. The goal of the assessment is to analyze a range of alternatives for pedestrian, equestrian and potential bicycle use on all or portions of the park trail system, while maintaining the historic character of the park and protecting its natural and cultural resources. Connections with surrounding public lands and regional trail systems will be examined and recommendations will be made for improvements.

Objectives are:

• Improve wayfinding and signage throughout the trail system, including connections, points of interest, and interpretive opportunities

• Provide clarity of trail use, location, and park boundaries

• Ensure safety of all trail users

• Ensure sustainability of trails as related to surface treatment, maintenance needs, and cost

• Protect the natural and cultural resources within the park

Public scoping meetings will be held in late March 2017. Time and location of these meetings will be announced.

Contact Information

David Blackburn, 610-582-8773, ext. 230