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Issue ROW permit for Rodgers Peak telecommunication facility
Redwood National Park » Issue ROW permit for Rodgers Peak telecommunication facility » Document List
Cal OES has issued a final environmental impact report (FEIR/EA) under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the relocation of the Red Mountain communication site located on USFS lands in Del Norte County, California. Cal OES identified several sites needed to provide equivalent level of service coverage for federal, state and local law enforcement, transportation and resource agencies for year-round communications in the region for public safety and emergency services. Two of the alternatives analyzed in the dEIR/EA required use of Redwood National Park land in two different locations. Alternative 3b, the CEQA environmentally preferred alternative in the FEIR/EA, does not require use of NPS land. NPS has participated in the environmental review to satisfy federal requirements under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to ensure that the FEIR/EA adequately addresses potential impacts on park land and that the administrative record supports any required NPS decision to issue a ROW.
CalOES will implement alternative 3b, the environmentally preferred alternative under CEQA, that will not require use of park lands for tower installation or access. Therefore, the NPS will not need to issue a ROW permit for use of park lands for telecommunications purposes. The State of California has issued a Notice of Determination under CEQA and approved the Red Mountain Communication Site Project (State Clearinghouse Number 2016112048) on April 23, 2018 upon consideration of the Final EIR, the Findings of Fact, and the Statement of Overriding Considerations.
See the Document List for the final notice of determination (NOD) and the findings and statement of overriding considerations. The final EIR and associated documents are available at the website below.
The Red Mountain Communication Site Relocation Project - Final Project Approval and Environmental Impact Report (SCH # 2016112048) Certification has been uploaded to the following website:
Contact Information
State of California Relocation of Red Mountain Telecommunication Site:Stephanie Coleman
State of California Dept. of General Services