PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Wawona Golf Course Geotechnical Investigation

Yosemite National Park » Wawona Golf Course Geotechnical Investigation » Document List

This project performs geotechnical investigations at the Wawona Golf Course to determine if certain areas of the golf course are suitable for a leach field which will act as a secondary discharge of treated wastewater from the Wawona Wastewater Treatment Plant (the primary discharge will continue to be the golf course spray field).

This project is to help inform the larger Wawona Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade in 2019 which will include two lift station improvements, various wastewater treatment process components, overall treatment capacity, and improvements on the effluent disposal.

The geotechnical investigations will include twenty 6-inch holes (5 feet deep) for percolation tests, and twenty 2-inch holes (12 feet deep) to install piezometers to track groundwater conditions. Holes will be dug either manually with hand augers or using a gas-powered hand auger. The percolation holes will be backfilled immediately after completion of percolation testing.