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Issuance of Commercial Use Authorizations- Wilderness
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks » Issuance of Commercial Use Authorizations- Wilderness » Document List
The Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks (Parks) Wilderness Stewardship Plan (WSP) Extent Necessary Determination established limits on commercial service days (CSDs) for stock and non-stock, including caps on a wilderness-wide basis, and specific caps for the Mount Whitney Management Area. After approval of the WSP in 2015, park staff developed an implementation plan that included three alternative CSD allocation models.
In 2018, the park implemented selected Alternative 2: Limited CUAs, Hybrid CSD Allocation for the initial 2018-2019 CSD allocation system. From September 26 through October 26, 2018 the parks opened a public comment period and held two public informational meetings to solicit feedback on proposed changes to the CSD allocation system and conditions of specified uses.
Background information and the updated allocation model to be implemented for the 2020-2021 CUA Cycle can be found on the left side of the page under "Document List."
The Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) program authorizes the provision of suitable commercial services to park area visitors, as long as three conditions are met: the services (a) will have minimal impact on the park area's resources and values; (b) are consistent with the purposes for which the park area was established; and (c) are consistent with all applicable park area management plans, policies and regulations.
In the future, the Park may undertake a Commercial Services Plan to provide direction for management of guided commercial services in wilderness and non-wilderness portions of the park over the next 10-20 years. This plan would provide details on how the park's commercial service program would be managed to achieve overall park goals and meet desired resource conditions and visitor experiences. This type of planning effort would be undertaken as a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and will include the opportunity for public comment.
See for more information on the Parks' Wilderness Stewardship Plan.
Contact Information
Monica Rinne559-565-3103