Silver Salmon Creek OHV access request

Lake Clark National Park & Preserve » Silver Salmon Creek OHV access request » Document List

Dear Friends and Interested Parties,

The NPS is considering a request from an in-holder in the Silver Salmon Area of Lake Clark National Park. The request is for in-holders to be permitted to use an OHV on about 50 yards of a previously existing OHV trail to better access fishing along the river and to support educational programs (see map in newsletter). This trail is not included in the 2011 compatibility determination allowing the issuance of a permit for ORV use by SCC landowners on 3.4 miles of existing ORV trails.

The NPS has authority to issue permits for ORV use on existing ORV trails located in areas upon a finding that such ORV use would be compatible with the purposes and values for which the area was established under 43 CFR 36(g)(2).

The definition of an OHV (Off Highway Vehicle or ORV (Off Road Vehicle) in the 2007 Silver Salmon Creek Right of Way Certificate of Access EA/FONSI is: any motorized off-highway vehicle traveling on three or more low pressure tires, having a seat to be straddled by the operator and a handlebar for steering control. A motorized off-highway vehicle having four or more low pressure tires, designed with side-by-side seats, seat belts, steering wheel, and optional cab, brush cage, or roll-over protection structures. The ORV must have a curb weight of 1500 pounds or less, and an overall width not greater than 60 inches, excluding mirrors.

The NPS is accepting comments on the request through Thursday, March 31st, 2016.

Margaret Goodro

Lake Clark National Park

Contact Information

Margaret Goodro
Superintendent, Lake Clark National Park and Preserve
(907) 644-3626