Southeast Region - Coastal Species of Concern Predation Management Plan

Southeast Regional Office » Southeast Region - Coastal Species of Concern Predation Management Plan » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) welcomes your participation in the development of an environmental assessment that examines options for protecting shorebirds, sea turtles and beach mice from the threat of predators at NPS units in the Southeast Region. The Southeast Region Coastal Species of Concern Predation Management Plan and Programmatic Environmental Assessment evaluates the best available predation management options and analyzes relevant environmental issues.

Many NPS southeast coastal parks have habitats that support coastal species of concern, including parks in Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, and the US Virgin Islands. Some parks need a strategy to better protect species of concern, which includes both federally listed threatened and endangered species and state listed species — examples include: snowy and piping plover, loggerhead sea turtle, green sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle, leatherback sea turtle, southeastern beach mouse and Perdido Key beach mouse — from such predators as coyote, raccoons, fox, feral swine and others. Species of concern using coastal and dune habitats are especially vulnerable during their respective nesting and breeding seasons, generally falling between April and October.

To review the environmental assessment and provide comments, please click the "Documents" link or "Open for Comment" link

Contact Information

Southeast Regional Office
National Park Service
Planning and Compliance Division
100 Alabama Street SW, 1924 Building
Atlanta, GA 30303