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Restore North and South Seawalls at Perry's Victory to Safeguard Site
Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial » Restore North and South Seawalls at Perry's Victory to Safeguard Site » Document List
The National Park Service (NPS) proposes to repair the Perry's Victory north and south seawalls, Put-in-Bay, Ohio. The purpose of the project is to help ensure the health and safety of the public and improve the visitor experience while preserving the setting of the Perry's Vistory International and Peace Memorial. This project is needed at this time in order to prevent damage from more frequent and more powerful seasonal storm events and to mitigate and remediate the effects of historic and continuing storm damage and subsequent flooding to the Perry's Victory waterfront cultural landscape and visitor and uses. The concept will be designed to make the smallest possible imprint on the historic landscape. The project will stabilize the waterfront and protect Perry's Victory cultural landscape and associated historic buildings from the imminent threat of failure of the seawalls and associated flooding along the shoreline.