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HELCO Pole Replacement Ka'ū Boundary to Nāmakanipaio Substation
Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park » HELCO Pole Replacement Ka'ū Boundary to Nāmakanipaio Substation » Document List
The Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared by Hawai'i Electric Light (HEL) after discussions with Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park (HVNP) and determining an environmental assessment would be necessary for the project. HVNP worked closely with Big Island Natural Resources Assistance (BINRA) and HEL on developing and analyzing alternatives, developing mitigation measures, and conducting consultations. The project spans approximately 10 miles to include the electrical infrastructure from the Kīlauea Switching Station outside HVNP to the Volcano Substation within HVNP. Since the majority of the project is to occur within the park, the environmental assessment was prepared according to NEPA guidelines to meet requirements for environmental compliance for the NPS. This FONSI approves project activities within Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park and this FONSI does not constrain ancillary project work outside of HVNP. Project work outside HVNP is subject to a separate decision document.
To view the Final EA and HEL FONSI, please visit
Contact Information
Danielle FosterEnvironmental Protection Specialist
Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park
(808) 985-6073