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Subsistence House Log Permit: Sheila Vaden
Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve » Subsistence House Log Permit: Sheila Vaden » Document List
It is the policy of the Superintendent, Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve to allow for the non-commercial cutting of standing timber by local rural residents for appropriate subsistence uses (firewood or houselogs) in accordance with the provisions of the Alaska Natural Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) and Title 36 CFR, Part 13.485 (a)(1), ―...the Superintendent may permit cutting in accordance with the specifications of a permit if such cutting is determined to be compatible with the purposes for which the park area was established. This policy covers the non-commercial cutting of live standing timber (green logs) for appropriate subsistence use, such as house logs or firewood greater than 3 inches diameter at ground height. Applicants for subsistence green log permits must meet certain conditions prior to issuance of a permit. The park has determined that Sheila Vaden meets these conditions.
Of primary concern to the National Park Service is the maintenance and protection of forest resources and other park values. Subsistence log permits will only be issued if it can be shown that harvest will not impair or otherwise degrade the viability of the forest resource and other park values.
Contact Information
Barbara Cellarius (907)-822-7236 orBruce Rogers (907-822-7276