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Lake Clark National Preserve Sport Hunting Guide Services 2015 Prospectus
Lake Clark National Park & Preserve » Lake Clark National Preserve Sport Hunting Guide Services 2015 Prospectus » Document List
The NPS will therefore continue to authorize these services through a renewal of contracts for sport hunting guide services, subject to the provisions of the NPS Concessions Management Improvement Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-391; 36 CFR 51), and other applicable State of Alaska and Federal laws and regulations.
The concession contracts do not represent a new activity. The same number of contracts will be offered and will encompass the same guide areas that have been utilized for these activities and services for more than a decade. There will be no new construction. No new environmental impact is anticipated as a result of these concession operations. The NPS would issue each of the three concessioners a contract for a term of 10 years beginning January 1, 2016 and ending December 31, 2025