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Structural Rehabilitation of Boswell's Tavern

Green Springs National Historic Landmark District » Structural Rehabilitation of Boswell's Tavern » Document List

The NPS proposes a "No Adverse Effect" designation (and thus approval) of rehabilitation proposed for Boswell's Tavern by its owners under the terms of a conservation easement. The 2-story, frame structure is situated in and a contributing resource to the Green Springs National Historic Landmark District (Figs. 1-5 in illustration packet). The National Register of Historic Places stipulates "18th Century" for the tavern's period of significance. The National Register and the HABS Architectural Data Form include the following interior elements as significant: caged/barred window looking onto front porch, stairs connecting first to second floors, first-floor wainscoting, first-floor hat pegs, first- and-second floor wood mantles, floorboards on 2nd floor, plans of first- and second-floors. The proposed No Adverse Effect determination by the NPS (which would result in approval), made in consultation with its Section-106 advisor for architecture, is for the following 5 work items: (1) To reduce retention of water against sills, which has caused noticeable damage, as well as improving thermal capacity, replace the 17 existing, exterior storm-windows with interior storm-windows, and also install interior storm-windows on the 13 windows that currently lack storm-windows of any kind. (Figures 6-7, attached.). (2) To improve light and ambience in the 2nd story, rear bathroom, remove the small, second-story, sliding window (measuring 31" x 26") and replace that with a 6-over-6 casement window matching the rear, second-story 6-over-6 window immediately to the east. The new window would measure 36" x 54" (like the window to the east)—an increase, beyond the existing opening, of 5" to the east and 28" downwards. (Figures 8-9, attached.). (3) Replace the existing, unsafe and non-functioning boiler/radiator system with the heat-pump/HVAC system, which currently serves only part of the building. This work would include a) replacement of the existing first-floor forced-air system, b) removal of non-functioning radiators and boiler (Figure 10, attached.), c) installation of forced-air systems in third-floor attic that would serve both attic (installation in kneewalls) and second floor (via grills in ceiling). (4) On interior of crawlspace, seal foundation-vents and install a crawlspace membrane to create a conditioned crawlspace, to insure against future moisture penetration and to provide vapor barrier, which does not currently exist. Sealing of vents will be from inside and not involve any visible change as existing vent-openings are viewed from exterior. This work would be accompanied by the installation of upgraded humidity control equipment. The work would not involve ground-disturbing activity. (5) Replace standing-seam, galvanized metal roof in small areas where needed, with new cladding of same profile and painted to same color. (Note: subsequent to proposal above, owner modified 5 to a replacement-in-kind- -approved by the Section 106 advisor for architecture- -and therfore no longer requires public review or inclusion on this list of proposals.)

Contact Information

Noel Harrison