PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

East Valley Shuttle Bus System Stops Improvements

Yosemite National Park » East Valley Shuttle Bus System Stops Improvements » Document List

This project concerns safety improvements proposed to five existing shuttle stops in east Yosemite Valley, including two in Half Dome Village and three on the Happy Isles loop road. Primary objectives are to provide safe pedestrian waiting refuge areas with accessible connections to pathways and park facilities, reduce automobile and transit bus conflict, alleviate local traffic congestion, and to preserve pavement on roadways by building bus braking pads in new turn-outs or in roadways. These improvements will also enhance visitor use and enjoyment, encourage shuttle system use by making the stops more visible, allow more efficient use of the shuttle system, and provide for limited restoration of problem areas in Half Dome Village (previously known as Curry Village).

Half Dome Village
These shuttle stops are used year-round in highly active and visible locations. Two new facilities will be constructed about 120 feet north of their present locations on Half Dome Village Drive, with bus turn-outs and elevated pedestrian refuge areas.

Five existing shuttle stops were established as ad-hoc uses in the Half Dome Village area after 1980. Existing bus stops consist of signs, system maps, and half-round concrete or wooden benches. Existing shuttle stops numbered 14 (edge of orchard parking) and 20 (edge of meadow) would be replaced on Half Dome Village Drive by new, better-delineated, permanent facilities consisting of bus turn-outs, concrete braking pads, new waiting area platforms with curbs, bear-resistant trash and recycling containers, benches, signs and system maps.

Happy Isles Loop Drive; Stable and Pines Campgrounds
Valley transportation service is limited to peak season on the Happy Isles Loop. Upper Pine Campground is open year-round, while the concessions stable, North and Lower Pines are closed in winter. Because of limitations on parking and private automobile use, and low traffic volumes, concrete braking pads will be built within the existing roadway with passenger waiting areas constructed adjacent to the edge of existing pavement.

Shuttle stop 19 is located on Northside (or Stoneman Meadow) Drive. Because the road is used year-round and the shuttle routinely blocks outbound traffic, a turn-out is warranted.

All three shuttle stops would be improved with concrete braking pads, new waiting area platforms, bear-resistant trash and recycling containers, benches, signs and system maps.