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Proposal to Address Lead Impacted Soils at Apostle Islands Light Stations

Apostle Islands National Lakeshore » Proposal to Address Lead Impacted Soils at Apostle Islands Light Stations » Document List

At the historic light stations on Michigan, Outer, Raspberry, Devils and Long Islands, lead based paint was formerly used on a number of structures. Soil testing surrounding these buildings found lead concentrations that exceed human health action levels under CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act) and NCP (National Contingency Plan).

The National Park Service contracted for an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) to address this issue and provide mitigation alternatives. A risk assessment that addressed both human health and ecological impacts was developed, as well as action objectives for each project site. Although visitors and employees risk of exposure is low, direct contact with the soils can lead to ingestion of lead, and should be avoided.

Three alternatives were developed, including: Alternative 1 - No Action; Alternative 2 - Institutional Controls; and Alternative 3 - Excavation and Disposal. Alternative 1, the no action alternative, would not mitigate exposures to human health and the environment. Alternative 2 focuses on administrative restrictions such as capping and fencing, but these may not meet cultural landscape and historical preservation objectives. Alternative 3 includes soil excavation and off-site disposal. This alternative is quite expensive, but would be the most effective over the long-term in reducing human and ecological risk. This is the alternative recommended by the contracted study.

The National Park Service is interested in your opinion regarding these alternatives, combinations thereof, or new ideas for mitigating the environmental and health risks from the lead contamination.

The Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis for Lead-Impacted Soils at Light Stations on Michigan, Outer, Raspberry, Devils and Long Islands is available for public review and comment October 23 through November 22, 2014. The draft plan and background material can be found online at: A hard copy is available for review at the Bayfield Library at 37 North Broad Street, Bayfield, Wisconsin (715-779-3953).

Submit your comments online at: or mail to: Chief, Planning and Resource Management, Apostle Islands National Lakeshore, 415 Washington Ave., Bayfield, Wisconsin 54814.

Contact Information

Peter Steinkopf (715) 779-3398, ext. 401
Julie Van Stappen (715) 779-3398, ext. 102