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Enterprise Pipeline Company Pipeline Installation in Hickory Creek Savannah and Turkey Creek Units
Big Thicket National Preserve » Enterprise Pipeline Company Pipeline Installation in Hickory Creek Savannah and Turkey Creek Units » Document List
Enterprise Products Operating Company LLC (Enterprise) is proposing to replace an existing six inch pipeline with a sixteen inch pipeline across the Hickory Creek and Turkey Creek Units within a right-of-way that existed prior to the establishment of Big Thicket National Preserve (Preserve). Enterprise proposes to use hydraulic directional drilling (HDD), with entry and exit points located outside of the units; so there would be no construction activities in the units.
At this time, the Preserve in announcing a 14-day public scoping period to solicit public comments on this proposal. As the Superintendent of Big Thicket National Preserve, I invite you to voice your ideas, comments, or concerns in this scoping process.
Wayne Prokopetz
Superintendent, Big Thicket National Preserve
Contact Information
Ryan DesliuEnvironmental Protection Specialist
Big Thicket National Preserve
6044 FM 420
Kountze, Texas 77625
phone: (409) 951-6822