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Ozark National Scenic Riverways Housing Replacement
Ozark National Scenic Riverways » Ozark National Scenic Riverways Housing Replacement » Document List
This project includes four existing housing areas that no longer meet minimum housing requirements due to significant deficiencies and chemical contamination. The four areas include:
Big Spring #473 Housing: This multi-unit housing structure was constructed in 1976. These quarters provided critical housing until recently for permanent and seasonal park personnel from all divisions working in the Lower Current District of the park. Deficiencies to this facility were numerous, and contamination with chlordane about 30 years ago for termite eradication made the structure uninhabitable. It was demolished on June 15, 2016.
Alley Spring #523 Housing: This multi-unit housing structure was also constructed in 1976. These quarters provided critical housing until recently for permanent and seasonal park personnel from all divisions working in the Jacks Fork District of the park. It is currently being used for ranger activities as office space (day-use only), but at some time in the indefinite future it will be demolished and replaced with new housing. Deficiencies to this facility are numerous, and contamination with chlordane about 30 years ago for termite eradication has made the structure uninhabitable as housing.
Alley Spring #508 Housing: This structure was originally constructed in 1912-1913 as a two-room school, remodeled for housing in 1968, and then remodeled again in 1986 for office use. Because of building deficiencies and chlordane contamination, it was demolished on July 15, 2016 and the site restored. This project proposes new construction to provide housing for employees serving the Jacks Fork District of the park.
Round Spring Duplex Housing: Building #248 multi-unit housing structure was constructed in 1976. These quarters provided critical housing until recently for permanent and seasonal park personnel from all divisions working in the Upper Current District of the park. Deficiencies to this building were numerous, and contamination with chlordane about 30 years ago for termite eradication made the structure uninhabitable. It was demolished and the site restored on August 15, 2016. Housing structures #236, 237, and 238 were constructed in 1996. They have not been contaminated with chlordane, but improvements to these structures are needed to provide for universal accessibility and improved utilities.