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Lower Kaweah Site 11 Remediation Project
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks » Lower Kaweah Site 11 Remediation Project » Document List
The NPS is in the process of assessing this site in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). The CERCLA process has a key community outreach component, established by Congress in 1986, to ensure that citizens living or working near CERCLA sites are given the opportunity to influence decisions affecting their community. The purpose of this notification is to help us determine your level of interest in this project and other upcoming CERCLA projects at SEKI.
The Lower Kaweah site is located across from an old incinerator and maintenance yard, approximately 1,900 feet west of the Generals Highway in the Lower Kaweah area of the Giant Forest, and appears to be an old dump site. Signs of burn waste and general debris appear to be present at the site. The fill area is relatively flat and has a gentle slope to the southwest and a dimension of approximately 80 feet by 100 feet. Previous investigations and mitigation work at the Lower Kaweah site reveals the need for further characterization of the waste material present at the site and soil background concentrations of the potential contaminants.
The subject environmental work will involve sampling waste material in the burn dump area and background soils in the vicinity to determine appropriate response activities for this site. Sample analysis would include dioxins, furans, and metals, primarily. Sampling work would occur during spring 2014. Following additional site characterization, ECM will prepare a Draft Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA), which will be placed in public repositories at local public libraries. The Draft EE/CA will also be available in the Administrative Record File with other relevant site documents at the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website:
The NPS and ECM would like to know your level of interest in this project and other upcoming CERCLA projects at SEKI. If you would like to be individually notified of CERCLA projects at SEKI, please let us know by April 4, 2014. You may indicate this by commenting here on the PEPC website, or by writing to: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, Attn: Superintendent's Office, Lower Kaweah Site, 47050 Generals Highway, Three Rivers, CA 93271.
If you have specific questions or concerns, please contact ECM Representative Holly Trejo at or by calling (510) 964-4399; or, you may contact SEKI's Safety Manager, Todd Payne, at (559) 565-3108.
Thank you for your interest in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks!
Contact Information
Holly Trejo, P.G., Project ManagerEnvironmental Cost Management, Inc.
3525 Hyland Avenue
Suite 200
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: 510-964-4399