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Wupatki Backcountry Management Plan

Flagstaff Area National Monuments » Wupatki Backcountry Management Plan » Document List

The National Park Service announces the availability of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Wupatki National Monument Backcountry Management Plan/Environmental Assessment (plan/EA). The FONSI, signed by the NPS regional director for Interior Regions 6, 7, and 8 on April 25, 2022, describes the final decision of the National Park Service. Attachments include the response to public comments, the errata prepared to update the EA, and the non-impairment determination.

Two alternatives were evaluated in the plan/EA: the no-action alternative and alternative 1 (NPS proposed action and preferred alternative). As described in the FONSI, the Regional Director has selected the preferred alternative as the Backcountry Management Plan (plan) for the monument. The plan includes updates to management zoning from the 2004 general management plan, establishes visitor capacities for backcountry areas of the monument, and examines additional guided and potentially unguided visitor opportunities in the backcountry. While most of the backcountry and eligible wilderness remains closed to visitor use for resource protection purposes, the plan increases areas zoned for potential visitor use (existing and new) by 1,436 acres. This plan also emphasizes both natural and cultural resource preservation and includes additional monitoring and associated management strategies to minimize visitor impacts to resources. The plan meets the project purpose to provide for the protection and preservation of irreplaceable resources and wilderness character while establishing long-term direction for public access and experience.

In accordance with section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the National Park Service consulted with the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office and associated tribes. Actions included in the NPS selected alternative would have an effect on historic properties but the effect would not be adverse and actions support the Secretary of the Interior's Standard for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Therefore, the National Park Service determined that this undertaking constitutes a determination of "no adverse effect." The Arizona SHPO provided a signed concurrence of the "no adverse effect" finding.

Download the backcountry management plan and environmental assessment by clicking the Document List in the menu to the right.

Contact Information

Wupatki National Monument
6400 North Highway 89
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004