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Ostrander Ski Hut and Woodshed Improvements
Yosemite National Park » Ostrander Ski Hut and Woodshed Improvements » Document List
The Ostrander Ski Hut has been determined eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places by Yosemite's Branch of History, Architecture and Landscapes and the California State Historic Preservation Officer. The non-historic woodshed addition that will be modified as part of this project does not contribute to the Ostrander Ski Hut's overall eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. All work will be performed in accordance with "The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties".
Project actions include:
• Place a concrete slab with raised (12 inch high) stem walls under the attached wood storage shed on the north end of the hut. The total area of the wood shed is 108 square feet. The concrete slab and stem wall will be isolated from the exterior stone wall of the hut with 6ml plastic sheeting to prevent the concrete from bonding with the stone.
• Repair the roof and roof structure of the wood shed.
• Repair the wall framing of the wood shed.
• Repair and replace the damaged wood siding of the wood shed to prevent rodent intrusion and firewood theft.
• Prevent rodent intrusion between wood shed walls and the stone exterior of the hut.
• Improve the wood shed door.
• Strip and refinish both kitchen countertops.
• Repair the bathroom compartment wall damage.
• Replace the stove cap on top of the chimney.
• Replace the 42 gallon hot water tank in the hut keeper's kitchen.
• Replace the 200 gallon water tank in the upstairs hut keeper's quarters.
• Continued rodent exclusion work on the hut.
• Selective pointing of failed mortar in the walls of the hut.
• Preservation treatments of the exterior log components of the hut.