The Yosemite Valley Emergency Services Complex (ESC) was built in 1916. The complex was originally used as a warehouse. The original footprint included the main building (Bldg #530) and garage structure (Bldg #529) with the storage shed (Bldg #532) attached to the garage structure. The complex has undergone many alterations and additions to meet the changing needs and uses. The most significant alteration was the 1974 construction effort following the fire that burned the garage and office. This construction separated the storage shed and garage and added a 620 square feet addition to the main building. The existing ESC includes the main building, the garage, and the storage shed. The Yosemite Valley ESC is the headquarters for Valley Search and Rescue, Valley Fire Management, Park Aviation Management, Wilderness Patrol, and Park Desk Office operations. This core visitor and employee protection service is currently threatened due to the inadequacy and safety issues with the buildings. No other facility is available to house these functions.
This project will rehabilitate the Yosemite Valley ESC to conform to life safety code requirements and to improve the floor layout. Rehabilitation of the buildings will adhere to the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and follow the recommendations of the Historic Structures Report. Rehabilitation will address all the structural deficiencies and safety issues including fire egresses, electrical system violations, lack of accessibility, substantial wood rot, and other structural integrity concerns. A complete scope of work is included in the attached memorandum of agreement for the project.