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PECO Fire Management Plan and EA
Pecos National Historical Park » PECO Fire Management Plan and EA » Document List
Pecos NHP is situated on the passage around the southern end of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. Pecos NHP contains evidence of use and occupation during the last 12,000 years. Early campsites, later pit structures, and a small number of scattered 13–14th century pueblo settlements have been documented within the park. By the 15th century, the valley's Pueblo population began to settle together at Pecos Pueblo, a multi-storied ridge-top village with commanding views of the surrounding valley. The Santa Fe Trail brought Americans and others. During these historic periods, the area was more open and less forested, a result of the intense human activities. As human use of the land changed, the Pecos area became more forested. Current conditions exhibit more vegetation than during historic periods; current fuel loads lends itself to more intense wildfires that can threaten visitors, cultural and natural resources, park structures, and neighboring lands. The NPS recognized the need to manage the vegetation at Pecos NHP. A new FMP will assist the NPS in meeting Pecos NHP management goals.
Pecos NHP proposes to continue to suppress all wildfires and continue vegetation management activities. Pecos NHP is considering additional actions in the new FMP to better protect cultural resources, facilities and infrastructure and natural resources. A new FMP will also address updates in national fire policy and terminology. The Categorical Exclusion that was used in support of the 2004 FMP is no longer available for use. This EA process is essential to completing a new FMP.
Pecos NHP plans to adhere to the following broad goals in the FMP:
1. Protection of human life is the first priority in all wildland fire management activities.
2. Park infrastructure and cultural and natural resources will be protected from wildfire and fire suppression damage.
3. Activities will occur to restore and maintain the Park's vegetation communities and protect natural and cultural resources.
4. The Park will work to ensure formal working relationships are maintained with appropriate federal, state, and local cooperators.
5. The NPS will consider in-park actions that minimize the threat to adjacent private property. The Park will ensure adjacent communities are informed about park fire management activities and that fire-related concerns are considered.
The NPS is preparing this EA in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to provide the decision-making framework that 1) explores management alternatives to meet Pecos NHP objectives, 2) evaluates potential impacts to park resources and values, and 3) identifies mitigation measures to minimize the degree of these impacts.
There are two formal opportunities for the public to comment: during this initial project scoping, and again following the release of the EA document. You are invited to participate in this process by voicing your ideas, suggestions, comments, or concerns related to Pecos NHP fire management activities. These comments will be considered during preparation of the EA and FMP.
Contact Information
Attention: SuperintendentPecos National Historical Park
PO Box 418
Pecos, NM 87552