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Unit Blackstone #1 and #2 Well Plugging and Reclamation
Big Thicket National Preserve » Unit Blackstone #1 and #2 Well Plugging and Reclamation » Document List
The National Park Service (NPS) is coordinating with Unit Petroleum Company (Unit) for plugging and the surface reclamation of a well pad and access road associated with two natural gas wells known as Black Stone Wells #1 and #2. These natural gas wells are located within the Big Sandy Creek Corridor Unit of the Big Thicket National Preserve (Preserve) in Polk County, Texas. The location of the proposed project area is illustrated in Figure 1 to the right. These non-producing wells were drilled and their associated well pads and lease road constructed prior to the park's acquisition of the land on which they are situated.
Upon determining the Plan of Operations substantially complete, the Preserve will publish a notice of availability of the Plan of Operations and associated categorical exclusion document in the Federal Register for a 30-day public review period.
As the Superintendent of Big Thicket National Preserve, I invite you to voice your ideas, comments, or concerns in this process.
Douglas Neighbor
Contact Information
Stephanie BurgessOil and Gas Program Manager
Big Thicket National Preserve
6044 FM 420
Kountze, Texas 77625
phone: 409-951-6822