Navel Spring Water Collection System Repair and Maintenance Project

Death Valley National Park » Navel Spring Water Collection System Repair and Maintenance Project » Document List

Rio Tinto has proposed performing maintenance and improvements to its water collection system at Navel Spring in Death Valley National Park. U.S. Borax (a subsidiary of Rio Tinto) holds a pre-1914 water rights claim to the spring.

Initial water diversion and collection works at Navel Spring likely date to the early 1900s and supported local borax mining operations and the watering needs of travelers. By the mid-1910s, the spring experienced increased development and usage concurrent with the growth of the adjacent mining operation at Ryan Camp. Starting in 1928 and continuing to present day, Navel Spring has served as the sole source of water for all of Ryan's residential, tourist, and educational activities.

The spring and water works now require repairs and improvements aimed at increasing public safety; eliminating exotic invasive plants at the spring site; better securing the water collection system from contamination; facilitating cleaning and maintenance; increasing water storage capabilities for fire suppression and visitor use at Ryan; and enhancing the long-term stability of the spring and water works.

The proposed project has three components: the repair and maintenance of the underground water diversion tunnels; the replacement of the pipeline which conveys water from the diversion tunnels to the water tank; and the replacement of the water tank.

Contact Information

Mike Cipra
Environmental Protection Specialist
Death Valley National Park