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Niobrara NSR River Management Plan

Niobrara National Scenic River » Niobrara NSR River Management Plan » Document List

Niobrara National Scenic River (NSR) is undertaking the process of developing a River Management Plan/Environmental Assessment (RMP/EA). The broad purpose of the RMP/EA is to provide enjoyable visitor experiences consistent with the preservation of the river's outstandingly remarkable values (ORVs) as identified in the 2007 General Management Plan (GMP).

The goals of the RMP/EA are to 1) review the ORVs, free-flowing condition and water quality; 2) refine desired future conditions of the ORVs; 3) establish guidelines to manage and protect the ORVs; 4) define zones of visitor use and appropriate activities within those zones; and 5) establish limits of acceptable change from human use of Niobrara NSR resources and suggest appropriate actions to mitigate impacts from previous human use. The RMP/EA will include a Commercial Services Strategy (CSS) which is designed to 1) protect resources; 2) provide for a quality visitor experience; and 3) protect the interests of those providing visitor services within this National Park Site.

Scoping is the first step for involving individuals, organizations, agencies and interested parties in the planning process. Public scoping is an early phase of the planning process, which is designed to obtain public input on issues and areas of concern related to the project, including a suitable range of alternatives, the nature and extent of potential environmental impacts and benefits, and appropriate mitigation strategies. To get a broad overview of the ORVs that are the focus of this plan, read the RMP/EA Scoping Newsletter (available by clicking the "Document List" on the left side of this page). We also encourage everyone to read the Outstandingly Remarkable Values (ORV) Workshop Report (also available under the "Document List") as the best means of preparation for the scoping workshops scheduled for April 2012. Your comments for scoping are welcome at anytime, but will be most helpful if submitted by May 31, 2012.

Because the RMP/EA will analyze many important issues, your participation is encouraged and needed. Please be involved in this process. Your participation will ensure a better product for the management of this national treasure. When the RMP/EA is complete, it will be made available for your review and comment.

Contact Information

Dan A. Foster
Niobrara National Scenic River
214 West Highway 20
Valentine, NE 69201
(402) 376-1901