Determine Disposition of McGlashan-Nickerson House

Saint Croix Island International Historic Site » Determine Disposition of McGlashan-Nickerson House » Document List

Dear Friends,

The National Park Service (NPS) has determined that the McGlashan-Nickerson House (the house) is excess to its needs in administering Saint Croix Island International Historic Site, no longer serves any administrative functions, is not a critical asset in the legislated purpose or boundary of the Site, and is not related to the park's fundamental resources or values. The NPS lacks the resources to stabilize, rehabilitate and maintain the historic structure. The purpose of this planning effort is to identify and evaluate reasonable alternatives for disposing of the house.

Built around 1883 as a single-family residence, the McGlashan-Nickerson House is a 5,427 square-foot, two-story wooden frame structure, consisting of a core, ell, and attached 748 square-foot carriage barn. The house is listed to the National Register of Historic Places as being significant at a local level for its Italianate architecture. All NPS uses of the McGlashan-Nickerson House have ceased, and the house has been mothballed with emergency repairs made as limited NPS budget resources allow. Without extensive stabilization, rehabilitation, and preservation maintenance, the house will continue to deteriorate- -needed repairs are estimated to cost in excess of $1,000,000 with an additional $40,000 yearly needed to support minimal heating and ongoing maintenance.

This Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect has been revised to take into account feedback received during the public comment period and after an onsite meeting with the State Historic Preservation Office, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and other interested individuals. This revised document presents a new alternative that was negotiated as part of this meeting to lease the house with an option for demolition if the lease is unsuccessful.

I invite you to participate in this process by adding your voice to this decision. Use this website to learn more about the project, and submit your comments during the 30-day review period now that the Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect has been released.


Kevin Schneider, Superintendent
Saint Croix Island International Historic Site

Contact Information

Michael Madell
Deputy Superintendent