Sinking Creek Seasonal Access Gate

Ozark National Scenic Riverways » Sinking Creek Seasonal Access Gate » Document List

To accommodate seasonal vehicular access to the gravel bar at Sinking Creek on the Upper Current River for the purpose of launching watercraft, a locking gate needs to be installed. Vehicular access to the gravel bar will for this purpose will coincide with the opening of gigging season and the closing of the trapping season. Parking will not be permitted on the gravel bar, but will be accommodated in the day use parking area of the site.

The pipe gate is 16 ft. long and 46 in. high. Installation will require the excavation of two post holes approximately 12" in diameter and between 2.5 and 4 feet deep. Metal posts (3" in diameter) will be set in redi-mix concrete. Posts and gate are to be painted dark brown. The gate will be appropriately signed for access.