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EA to address flood repairs and accessibility at Lost Valley Trail and Bridge
Buffalo National River » EA to address flood repairs and accessibility at Lost Valley Trail and Bridge » Document List
The purpose of the project is to relocate a portion of the Lost Valley hiking trail outside of the Clark Creek floodplain; construct the relocated portion of the trail to meet Architectural Barriers Act standards; install a new bridge from the parking lot over Clark Creek; remove the handicap campsite adjacent to the previous bridge location; and permanently close the campground and restore the area to its pre-development native condition.
At this time, we are initiating a public scoping period that will be open for 30 days. During this scoping period, the public is invited to identify any issues or concerns they may have with the proposed project. Additional information may be found and comments may be submitted online at: or by mailing them to: Lost Valley EA at the following address:
Buffalo National River, 402 N. Walnut, Suite 136, Harrison, Arkansas 72601
Because of the delays caused by the Federal government shutdown, the comment period has been extended till November 4, 2013
Contact Information
Bill OsterhausChief of Facility Management
Buffalo National River
402 North Walnut Suite 136
Harrison, AR