PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

2011 Yosemite Facelift Special Projects

Yosemite National Park » 2011 Yosemite Facelift Special Projects » Document List

Starting in 2011 Yosemite Facelift volunteer event compliance will be broken up into two separate compliance packages:

This document will cover the following 2011 Special Projects:

1. Mist Trail: Old dilapidated sign removal 200 feet South of Happy Isles.
2. Foresta: Assorted metal junk on NPS lands near private lots in Foresta Community, park archeological staff will be on site.
3. Pat & Jack Pinnacle and Reed's Pinnacle climbing areas: stabilizing eroding trails restoring eroded slopes eliminating additional trail.
4. Tioga Pass: Removal of rotting shed and water-tank from old ground-fed water system.

"Special Projects" involve coordinated efforts to clean or restore previously identified areas or sites. The special projects will have assigned NPS personnel supervising activities and will require more intensive coordination. The special projects will be covered by a separate compliance package every year to reflect the distinct concerns of each separate proposed special project. However, compliance will not be redundant. If a project already has been approved through the NEPA process than the Facelift can provide the labor and oversight to complete the project.