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May Lake and Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp Ecological Restoration
Yosemite National Park » May Lake and Glen Aulin High Sierra Camp Ecological Restoration » Document List
Ecological Restoration details include:
• Decompaction of soil,
• Delineating trails,
• Dispersing duff in restored areas,
• Completing all work with hand tools,
• Decompaction of up to six inches of soil disruption, and
• Gathering rock and duff on site.
Corrals and hitching rail posts that are dilapidated will be replaced with 4x4 round posts. Existing holes will be used. Concrete will be used for reinforcement. Old concrete will be hauled out and recycled. May Lake needs six new posts and Glen Aulin needs eight. The wooden hitching rail will be replaced at Glen Aulin with a three inch galvanized pipe.
All debris will be bundled and hauled out to Yosemite Valley where it will be properly disposed and recycled.
DNC will consult the park Anthropology and History, Architecture and Landscapes staff for locations to gather rock and duff in order to protect cultural resources.