Highway 7 Passing Lane and Safety Improvements Project

Buffalo National River » Highway 7 Passing Lane and Safety Improvements Project » Document List

30 Day Public Scoping Period - 18 May - 15 June, 2011

The Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD) is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) and Section 4(f) Evaluation for the referenced projects. These projects propose improvements to sections of Highway 7. A portion of the projects' area is within the Buffalo National River (BNR) in Newton County, Arkansas. The U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service; and Federal Highway Administration are cooperating agencies for this project.

The projects begin approximately 1.8 miles south of the Buffalo River and end approximately 0.3 miles south of the river. The total length of the combined projects is 1.5 miles. Alternatives considered will include improvements along the existing highway and the No-Action Alternative. The projects will include a north and south bound passing lane along part of the route with roadway realignment and grade improvements. The improvements would require the conversion of 11 acres of vegetated land within the boundary of BNR to State of Arkansas Highway 7 right of way, including land within 115 feet of the Buffalo River Trail. Large rock cut areas, fill areas including rip-rap, and removal of vegetation will be required for construction of these projects.

Two additional projects that propose a new crossing of the Buffalo River at Highway 7, and a crossing of Mill Creek at County Road 213, are also planned in the project area. While the cumulative impacts of the projects will be considered in this EA, the final analysis of those projects will be presented in a future EA. A map is enclosed that shows the location and extent of each project.

Please identify any constraints or significant concerns that should be considered during the assessment of impacts associated with the proposed projects. Your assistance in identifying any design or location issues is solicited. Examples of these are unique environmental features or environmentally sensitive areas, socio-economic issues, and permits or approvals that should be obtained prior to construction of the projects. Your comments and any supporting documentation you may wish to provide would be helpful to project planners in the timely identification of potential adverse impacts.

Contact Information

Please send all comments to:
Don Nichols
Arkansas Highway and Transporation Division
Environmental Division
P.O. Box 2261
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203-2261

Office Telephone: (501) 569-2281.