Broad Branch Stream Daylighting

Rock Creek Park » Broad Branch Stream Daylighting » Document List

The District Department of the Environment (DDOE), as a co-lead agency with the National Park Service (NPS), is proposing to restore an unnamed stream that connects to Broad Branch, a tributary of Rock Creek. Water for the stream currently travels through pipes beneath property owned by NPS and the District of Columbia. Upon completion of the proposed project, this water would be conveyed above ground through wooded areas and grassy fields. Restoration work on approximately 1,600 linear feet of stream would occur from approximately 36th Street, NW, to the stream's crossing under Broad Branch Road.

On June 20, 2012 the National Park Service issued a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for a project, proposed by the District Department of the Environment, to restore a tributary to Broad Branch creek in Rock Creek Park. For more details, please see the FONSI in the Documents link to the left.

Contact Information

Michael Buckler
Environmental Protection Specialist
Rock Creek Park