Cedar Glade Improvements Environmental Assessment

Buffalo National River » Cedar Glade Improvements Environmental Assessment » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) has completed a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) and is seeking public and agency review and comment. The EA evaluates potential impacts to the natural, cultural, and human environment from construction and operations activities related to the proposed action and is available for public review. The purpose of the project is to improve the off-river recreational opportunities by providing fishing access for the disabled and youth. The proposed project would improve access and amenities to the Cedar Glade Parking and Picnic Area, improve Cedar Glade Trail and fishing piers to meet Architectural Barriers Act standards, improved opportunities for educational experiences, and address public health issues.

At this time, we are initiating a public review period that will be open for 30 days. During this review period, the public is invited to review and offer suggestions to improve the analyses of the impact topics.

All comments must be received by April 15, 2013.

Contact Information

Chuck Bitting (870-365-2762)