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Rock Creek Multi-Use Trail Rehabilitation
Rock Creek Park » Rock Creek Multi-Use Trail Rehabilitation » Document List
The proposed action includes the rehabilitation of a 3.7-mile segment of the Rock Creek Park multi-use trail from Broad Branch Road to P Street, NW; a 4,300-foot (0.8 mile) segment of the Piney Branch Parkway trail from Beach Drive to Arkansas Avenue, NW; a new 1,247-foot (0.2 mile) paved trail segment from Broad Branch Road to Peirce Mill (referred to as the Peirce Mill Trail Spur); a 1,929-foot (0.4 mile) segment of the Rose Park trail from P Street, NW to M Street, NW; and a 363-foot ramp connecting the Rose Park trail to P Street, NW. The proposed action includes resurfacing, trail widening where environmentally feasible, modifications to the trail alignments and road crossings, directional and interpretive signage, and connections to and from the trails to other pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
The proposed action would also include a number of spot improvements to effectively separate trail users from vehicular traffic; to improve safety at roadway crossings; to improve sight distance at approaches and curves; to improve user accessibility; and other related improvements, including installation of stormwater management infrastructure where practicable to improve drainage and erosion control. The majority of the proposed improvements are located on NPS land, with some improvements located within District of Columbia right-of-way, and some within National Zoological Park property.
Rock Creek Park and the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway are under the jurisdiction of the NPS, but implementation of the proposed action will be administered by DDOT and FHWA, and funded by FHWA.
The purpose of this action is to improve the overall condition and connectivity of the deteriorating Rock Creek Park multi-use trail system in order to enhance visitor use and experience within Rock Creek Park. The project will result in improved visitor safety, experience, and protection of park resources; improved access to the Rock Creek Park multi-use trail system from other pedestrian and bicycle facilities, as well as from the surrounding neighborhoods; and more effective drainage and erosion control, thereby reducing trail maintenance. The project is needed to improve safety conditions, protect park resources, and improve connectivity to the park from surrounding neighborhoods; to support the needs of diverse user groups who enjoy the trails; to improve visitor experience; and to enhance opportunities for interpretation of park history and resources.
Contact Information
For information about the NPS FONSI, contact Nick Bartolomeo, Rock Creek Park, at 202-895-6010.For information about the trail rehabilitation project, contact Michael Alvino, District Department of Transportation, at 202-671-1321.