Calumet Cultural Landscape Report/Environmental Assessment

Keweenaw National Historical Park » Calumet Cultural Landscape Report/Environmental Assessment » Document List

This combined Cultural Landscape Report and Environmental Assessment (CLR/EA) for the Calumet Unit of Keweenaw National Historical Park provides guidance for treatment and use of the above-ground resources associated with the significant historic landscapes in the project area. Cultural landscape reports (CLR) serve as the primary guides to treatment and use of cultural landscapes within the National Park Service.

By combining the CLR and the EA in one report, the potential impacts of the treatment alternatives can be considered in the process. This approach streamlines the project process and integrates the environmental information into the development of the treatment alternatives.

A thorough investigation and evaluation of the historic landscapes was conducted in September and October 2010 using National Park Service (NPS) and the United States Secretary of the Interior's guidelines. The documentation of historic significance and evaluation of integrity of the historic landscapes serves as a framework upon which treatment recommendations are developed. This report provides park managers with a comprehensive understanding of the physical evolution of the historic landscape and guidance for future landscape management.

The National Park Service is soliciting review and comments from organizations, agencies, and individuals as part of the planning process. The public is invited to direct comments regarding this project to Superintendent Mike Pflaum.

Contact Information

Steve DeLong, ASLA; Lansdscape Architect;; 906-483-3022.