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Roosevelt Farm Lane Visitor Access Improvements

Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site » Roosevelt Farm Lane Visitor Access Improvements » Document List

The National Park Service (NPS) has evaluated impacts to the park's natural and cultural resources that will occur as a result of the proposed project to improve visitor access along the popular Farm Lane trail at Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) National Historic Site (NHS).

The Home of FDR NHS is located along the Hudson River within Hyde Park, New York and is part of the larger Roosevelt-Vanderbilt NHS management unit. Within the Home of FDR NHS is the recently rehabilitated Roosevelt Farm Lane, which was intended to provide visitors with an enhanced understanding of FDR's forestry and agricultural activities and to expand the area's recreational opportunities for the local residents and park visitors by adding an important segment to the existing Hyde Park Trail System. Roosevelt Farm Lane now allows a pedestrian and bicycle connection between the Home of FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt's Val-Kill home and has been popular with visitors since it opened in 2008.

The NPS prepared an environmental assessment (EA) for the proposed access and trailhead improvements in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA), and its implementing regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508), and NPS Director's Order #12, Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision-making (DO-12) and accompanying DO-12 Handbook (2001).
The NPS explored and objectively evaluated two alternatives in the EA — the no action (alternative A) and access and trailhead improvements (alternative B).

The NPS has selected alternative B, access and trailhead improvements, for implementation. Alternative B was identified as the preferred alternative in the EA. The selected alternative includes the following major components:
•Construction of a 40-vehicle parking area;
•Installation of a traffic-actuated signalized intersection on Route 9, with pedestrian crosswalks;
•Relocation of the existing drive-in theater entrance to a new intersection directly opposite the Home and Library entrance;
•Construction of a spur trail to connect the new parking area with Roosevelt Farm Lane;
•Construction of a sidewalk parallel to Route 9 inside the stone wall and tree row;
•Removal of the interim 6-space Roosevelt Farm Lane trailhead parking lot on Route 9 and relocation of existing trailhead kiosk;
•Traffic calming measures and crosswalk improvements on Route 9G crossing;
•Various landscape improvements, including stone walls, landscaping, and site signage.

Contact Information

David Hayes
(845) 229-1521