Bear Management Plan

Glacier National Park » Bear Management Plan » Document List

Comments Sought on Glacier's Revised Bear Management Plan, Guidelines
Public comments due by Friday, May 7

The draft, revised Glacier National Park Bear Management Plan and Guidelines will be available for a two-week public review period from Monday, April 26 through Friday, May 7, 2010. These are the documents that provide a framework for managing black and grizzly bears throughout the park.

An annual internal review of this plan and guidelines is normally conducted each year. Several changes have been suggested for improved clarity and consistency in language and terminology; therefore, park managers are seeking public and peer review to consider before the 2010 Bear Management Plan and Guidelines are finalized for 2010.

This expanded review was initiated partially in response to suggestions from the Board of Review for the Oldman Lake bear removal action that occurred in August 2009.

"These documents have received extensive national and international peer and public review in the past, and with the suggested changes (given the unfortunate necessity to remove a family of grizzly bears from the park population last summer) park managers again want to provide an opportunity for public review and input," said Park Superintendent Chas Cartwright. "The plan and guidelines describe the conditions of how the park manages Glacier's bear populations, both black and grizzlies. These tools also reflect the best available knowledge and management techniques that bear managers can employ," Cartwright added.

The Bear Management Plan and Guidelines are available online on (PEPC), the National Park Service planning website at by selecting this project. The suggested changes are highlighted so viewers can easily see what changes are proposed. Reviewers are encouraged to submit any comments through PEPC. Written comments may also be sent to: Superintendent, Glacier National Park, Attn: Bear Management Plan and Guidelines Revision, P.O. Box 128, West Glacier, Montana 59936. Comments are due by May 7, 2010.