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2010 Commercial Use Authorization - Stock Use

Yosemite National Park » 2010 Commercial Use Authorization - Stock Use » Document List

The purpose of this project is to issue Commercial Use Authorizations (CUA) to approved Commercial Stock Users for the 2010 season in Yosemite National Park. Commercial stock outfitters (herein referred to as Holders) are required to obtain a CUA each season prior to taking clients into Yosemite National Park. A CUA allows holders to provide guided pack animal trips and/or pack support trips for hikers. Holders are required to originate and terminate pack trips outside of the park boundary, unless authorized by the Superintendent. Holders are regulated by the terms and conditions of the Commercial Use Authorization which is administered by Yosemite National Park, Office of Special Park Uses.
Campsites/Campfires – Camping is prohibited within one hundred (100) feet of a trail, flowing stream, river or any body of water, unless designated otherwise. Camping is also prohibited in areas identified and signed by the park as sensitive resource areas including identified restoration areas. The holder will use only those sites that have been identified and submitted as traditional stock use sites. Holder will use only existing fire rings. Only dead and down wood may be used where authorized. Wood fires are prohibited above 9600 feet elevation. Holder will leave campsites and fire rings clean and garbage free. Stock use in Virginia and Lyell Canyons will only be allowed at designated campsites. All use of these campsites must be scheduled and approved through the park Wilderness Office, even trips originating outside of Yosemite. A map of these campsites and conditions for the use of these campsites are in Appendix 1 and 2 of the attached permit.

Open Grazing: Open grazing shall be permitted in all areas of the park except in the vicinity of the five high sierra camps and those areas where camping is not allowed. In those areas, packers shall be required to carry pelletized or cubed feed for their animals. If the Superintendent determines that there are substantiated risks to park resources, the Superintendent will close that area to further grazing and/or stock use. Grazing is not allowed in the Kerrick Meadow complex to protect the Yosemite Toad. See Appendix 3 for a map of the closure area. Users may contact the Yosemite Wilderness Office at 209-372-0347 for further information regarding the use restriction for this area.

All conditions of the permit can be found in the attached permit.