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Replace Deteriorated Synthetic Rockwork on Vistor Center
Hovenweep National Monument » Replace Deteriorated Synthetic Rockwork on Vistor Center » Document List
This project will remove all the existing synthetic rock and flagstone benches and replace them with new synthetic rock and concrete cap. The new colored concrete cap will have a positive slope for drainage and help prevent moisture from entering in behind the stone and causing a similar failure of the rock. The new cap will have a reveal out past the rock to help keep water from dripping directly onto the rock face. The new cap will be installed at the top of all the walls and at all bench areas. The work of this project should have very little impact on park visitors. Since the work of this project is non-structural no portion of the building will have to be closed. Work areas directly next to the wall and the back patio area will need to be closed during the course of this work.
Contact Information
Sabrina Henry435-719-2135