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Develop Comprehensive Interpretive Plan
Devils Tower National Monument » Develop Comprehensive Interpretive Plan » Document List Comments will be accepted through Monday, March 22, 2010, and can be submitted in person at the park Administration Building, by mail, or online at
The Comprehensive Interpretive Plan is a required National Park Service document used to guide the park's interpretive and educational themes and programs. The "themes and significances" currently available for comment were developed through a series of meetings with park staff, park partners, and local and tribal education or interpretive experts in September 2009. They were further modified during public and tribal meetings in February 2010. The order of the "themes and significances" is random--not in order of importance or priority. The final "themes and significances" will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Interpretive Plan, and will guide the direction of interpretive and educational services at Devils Tower National Monument for approximately the next 10 years. These services include interpretive and educational programming, interpretive signage, visitor center exhibits, and audio visual or web-based interpretation.
Individuals without Internet access can request a copy of the "themes and significances" by mail or in person at the park's Administration Building. Requests and comments submitted by mail should be addressed to Chief of Interpretation, Devils Tower National Monument, PO Box 10, Devils Tower, WY 82714.
Devils Tower National Monument announces a public comment period for two components of the Comprehensive Interpretive Plan currently being developed for the park. Those components, the updated "interpretive themes and significances" of Devils Tower National Monument, may be viewed online at the park's Planning, Environment and Public Comment website, The Comprehensive Interpretive Plan is a required National Park Service document used to guide the park's interpretive and educational themes and programs. The "themes and significances" currently available for comment were developed through a series of meetings with park staff, park partners, and local and tribal education or interpretive experts in September 2009. They were further modified during public and tribal meetings in February 2010. The order of the "themes and significances" is random--not in order of importance or priority. The final "themes and significances" will be incorporated into the Comprehensive Interpretive Plan, and will guide the direction of interpretive and educational services at Devils Tower National Monument for approximately the next 10 years. These services include interpretive and educational programming, interpretive signage, visitor center exhibits, and audio visual or web-based interpretation.
Individuals without Internet access can request a copy of the "themes and significances" by mail or in person at the park's Administration Building. Requests and comments submitted by mail should be addressed to Chief of Interpretation, Devils Tower National Monument, PO Box 10, Devils Tower, WY 82714.