This study aims to identify patterns of speciation within the cochineal scale insects (Dactylopius: Dactylopiidae: Hemiptera) with respect to desert bio-geography and their host Opuntioid cacti. Specifically the portion of this project that deals with Carribean Opuntioid cacti I hope to collect Dactylopius from. Two genera of host Opuntioid cacti occur in Florida, the genus Consolea occurs in Florida and the Carribean exclusively. Obtaining specimens from the Florida Keys is an important part of my research because it will allow me to compare populations of Dactylopius from other xeric regions where Opuntioid cacti occur such as the Sonoran, Great Basin, and Chihuahuan deserts where the genus Opuntia occurs as in Florida but Consolea do not. This will allow me to separate out if cactus host specialization compared to geographic isolation plays a driving role in speciation within Dactylopius.
Contact Information
RPRS Program Manager
Biscayne National Park
9700 S.W. 328th Street
Homestead, FL 33033