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Rebuild Herring Cove Beach Facilities
Cape Cod National Seashore » Rebuild Herring Cove Beach Facilities » Document List
Herring Cove was constructed in the 1950's by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a state park headquarters and beach facility with bathrooms, dressing rooms, lifeguard station, first aid room, snack bar and boat house, as well as office and storage space for the state park. This large two story building (approximately 4100 sq. ft.) and the two small side buildings (300 sq. ft. and 500 sq. ft.) are in need of removal because the sand in front of the structures is being washed away by the tides of Cape Cod Bay. Foundations are settling and cracking making the buildings unstable and unsafe. The project is to remove these structures and replace them, with a new energy efficient modular building system, that can be relocated in the future as determined, by experts in the field of beach and dune migration and deterioration.
Several landscape site plan and architectural perspective drawings for replacing the facilities have been posted for public information.
The project will also rehabilitate the existing Nauset Light Beach facility.