Former Reserved Properties Management Plan

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The National Park Service is developing the Former Reserved Properties Management Plan (FRPMP) to determine the most beneficial and appropriate use of the land and structures associated with reserved property agreements that have recently expired on Cumberland Island National Seashore. With expiration of the agreements the properties are now under full NPS management. A secondary purpose of the plan is to create a decision making process that can be used to analyze assets associated with other reserve agreements that conclude in the future.

The Cumberland Island reserved properties agreements (RPA's) stem from the park's creation in 1972, when the enabling legislation stated that as a condition for acquisition by the Department of Interior, the owners of improved properties on the island could reserve for themselves and their successors or assigns a right of use and occupancy of the property after Interior acquisition. Of the twenty RPA's that were established (13 are still active) most were life estates, meaning that they are in place for the life of the reserver or designated descendants. However, a few were for defined terms of up to 40 years. Four of these term agreements expired between September, 2010, and May, 2011. It is the expiration of these RPA's that has fostered the current planning process. Now that the rights of use and occupancy have come to an end the National Park Service has obtained full management responsibility for the properties.

While there are four agreements involved, two of them include two property tracts. In addition, the NPS will also include another tract in the FRPMP for which the agreement previously expired. Collectively the management plan involves over 50 acres of land spread over seven tracts, seven primary structures, and an undetermined number of smaller structures. One of the properties is listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), another is eligible for listing, and yet another is located within the Cumberland Island Wilderness Area. The pending transition involves one of the largest, most significant influxes of property to CUIS management in over 25 years. Given these factors the NPS needs to determine how to manage these properties and how they can best be utilized in accordance with the needs of the park and in accordance with law and policy.

Contact Information

Cumberland Island National Seashore
101 Wheeler Street
St. Marys, Georgia. 31558