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Strawberry Creek Collaborative Watershed Restoration

Redwood National Park » Strawberry Creek Collaborative Watershed Restoration » Document List

The NPS has completed its conservation planning and environmental analysis for restoration of Strawberry Creek in Redwood National Park near Orick in northwestern Humboldt County. This project will restore habitat for threatened coho salmon and steelhead trout.

We will restore about 1600 linear feet of stream channel on park lands in partnership with others engaged in similar restoration activities on Strawberry Creek downstream of the park, including private land and County-owned property. Restoration activities in the park include removing invasive grasses, excavating a new channel to mimic the natural form, installing wood and rock structures in the new channel to control streambed elevation and create fish habitat cover, re-establishing a riparian canopy along the newly excavated channel, replacing an undersized culvert, and removing sediment sources on adjacent hillslopes. About three acres of park land will be affected by restoration actions.

The Determination of Non-Impairment (DNI) outlines the project's potential adverse effects on significant park resources, and dicusses why those effects are acceptable and will not impair the park's resources and values.

The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) summarizes the potential effects of the project on cultural and natural resources including soils, hydrology, water quality, wetlands, vegetation, and fish and wildlife including endangered species and endangered species habitat. The environmental assessment (EA) discusses these effects in more detail.

The DNI, FONSI, and EA are posted and can be viewed or downloaded by clicking on "Document Link" on the left.

Contact Information

for NEPA/planning, contact
Aida Parkinson

For information about project implementation, contact
Darci Short