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Ofu Island Science Lab with Seawater Flow System

National Park Of American Samoa » Ofu Island Science Lab with Seawater Flow System » Document List

The National Park Service proposes to develop and install an improved seawater pumping system on Ofu Island to support coral research and climate change research. The improved seawater pumping system will consist of an ocean intake; a pump to deliver 500 gal/day ambient ocean water to storage tanks; 8 experimental flow-through trays; piping, fittings, and valves; protective structures to house all appurtenances, tools, and equipment – one with semi-darkroom capabilities for coral photosynthetic studies; connection to reliable electrical service from a nearby power source; a gasoline generator for backup power; and connection to fresh water service from a nearby water system for cleaning and pump priming.

Contact Information

Peter Craig
Marine Ecologist
National Park of American Samoa
Pago Plaza Suite 114
Pago Pago, AS 96799