Installation of a Climate Reference Network Station At Port Alsworth

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The National Park Service is considering the issuance of a right-of-way to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for the installation of a permanent climate monitoring station in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve at Port Alsworth, Alaska. The United States Climate Reference Network (USCRN) is a network of climate observing stations being developed as part of a NOAA research initiative.

The purpose of USCRN is to provide and maintain future long-term (50-100 year) high-quality observations of temperature and precipitation that can be coupled to past long-term observations for the detection and attribution of climate change and with the ability to meet the stringent data quality and continuity requirements of the climate science community. Reliable observations from the CRN will allow the detection of present and future climate change, and enable scientists to increase our understanding of natural and human-induced effects. The CRN System Monitoring Parameters include air temperature, surface temperature, wind speed, precipitation, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, global solar radiation.

Contact Information

Page Spencer
Lake Clark National Park and Preserve
240 West 5th Avenue
Anchorage, Alaska 00501
(907) 644-3629