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Washington County - Sharpsburg Water Intake Upgrades
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Washington County - Sharpsburg Water Intake Upgrades » Document List
The project will replace the existing six inch line with two six inch waterlines, along with underground power and communication conduits within the existing easement. The old pipe will be removed. A temporary bypass line will be installed to provide continued water service to the water plant/community during construction. The existing electric control platform will be replaced with a new electric control platform, which will raise electrical equipment above the 100 year Potomac River flood level.
An additional component of the project will be the construction of a dike within the canal prism. This will afford Washington County's Water Treatment Plant staff a more direct route to the intake from the water plant. Currently, plant staff must use the Park's historic towpath to access the intake. Entering at Lock 38, they currently travel over one mile along the towpath which is not always passable due to weather conditions.
The project will require revisions to the existing easement regarding the additional pipeline and the amendment of approximately 0.11 acres needed to construct the cross-over dike.
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act, Section 106, an environmental assessment (EA) was developed to evaluate potential impacts to park resources. Public scoping was conducted February 8, 2010 through March 9, 2010 with a public scoping meeting on February 25, 2010 at Park Headquarters, 1850 Dual Highway, Hagerstown, MD. No public comments were received during the public scoping period.
The EA was made available for public review and comment beginning March 23, 2012 and ending on April 19, 2012. No comments were received during the public review period.
On April 10 2012, the Maryland Historical Trust determined that the undertaking will have no adverse effect on the Park's historic resources.
A Finding of No Significant Impact was signed on June 25, 3012. The project has been approved to move forward.
It is anticipated that construction will be undertaken in 2013. The requirement of the temporary water line on grade will necessitate that construction be undertaken and completed during warm months to avoid freezing weather, which could affect the line.
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