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FLAG Invasive Plant Management Plan

Flagstaff Area National Monuments » FLAG Invasive Plant Management Plan » Document List

Dear Interested Party:
The National Park Service is planning to treat invasive plant species at Walnut Canyon,, Sunset Crater Volcano, and Wupatki National Monuments. An Invasive Plant Management Plan will be developed in 2009 and we are assessing the impacts on park resources of implementing this plan. Of about 41 non-native species recorded in these monuments, approximately 23 are considered invasive. Invasive species with the highest priority for treatments are tamarisk, Russian thistle, Scotch thistle, common mullein, and dalmatian toadflax. Other species outlined in the Plan and species that may invade the monuments in the next 10 years will also be treated.
Treatments will be specific to the biology of the invasive species and will be based on the least impact and best research available. Treatments may include: herbicides, pulling, burning, and tilling. Herbicides will be applied only by licensed applicators of the State of Arizona. Restoration following treatments will be implemented to restore native plant communities and to prevent re-colonization by invasive plants.
An Environmental Assessment (EA) will be prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to provide the decision-making framework that:
1) analyzes a reasonable range of alternatives to meet project objectives;
2) evaluates issues and impacts to park resources and values, and;
3) identifies mitigation measures to lessen the degree or extent of these impacts.
The National Park Service encourages public participation throughout the planning process. There will be two opportunities to comment formally on the project; once during initial project scoping and again following release of the draft Environmental Assessment. The park is currently in the scoping phase of this proposed project, and invites the public to submit written suggestions, comments, and concerns regarding the proposed project online at the NPS Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website at: Click on "FLAG Invasive Plant Management Plan" then click on "Open for Public Comment" on the left sidebar, then click on "NPS FLAG IPMP Public Scoping Letter" and finally click on "Comment on Document".
If you are not able to submit comments electronically through this website, you may submit written comments at the address on this letterhead. Please provide comments by March 27, 2009. All comments will be considered during preparation of the Environmental Assessment. We look forward to hearing from you.


Diane Chung

Contact Information

Diane Chung
Flagstaff Area Monuments
6400 N. Hwy 89
Flagstaff, AZ 86004