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Traffic Counters - Brunswick, Gift Road, Lock 75
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Traffic Counters - Brunswick, Gift Road, Lock 75 » Document List
The traffic counters are intended to be placed at Brunswick (replacement of a pre-existing and non-functional counter), Gift Road (new install location), and Lock House 75 parking lot entrance road (new location install).
The traffic counter can be installed in either a paved or gravel roadway and involves creating a ½ to ¾ inch groove across the roadway. The depth will be approximately 2 inches (paved roadway) and up to 18 inch depth for a gravel roadway. The depth will vary depending on the type of grading equipment used. Inserted into the groove is a wire loop and connected to the counting unit typically located along the roadway shoulder.
The counting unit is housed in a secured cabinet which is mounted on a four foot tall metal post. One end of the post is buried and concreted into the ground. Whenever practical, the pipe post will be located immediately behind guardrails, but within the limits of disturbance of the road. The underground wire will be within the roadway footprint.