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Jarboe Store Stabilization
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park » Jarboe Store Stabilization » Document List
Emergency stabilization of Jarboe's store was authorized September 2008 to remove upper unstable sections of the structure. The nearby boat ramp at Edward's Ferry was temporarily closed. Heavy equipment was brought in to safely remove the upper, unstable sections of the structure.
Once the unstable sections were removed, park staff safely accessed the structure to undertake permanent stabilization planning. The ruins were photo documented and the submitted plans for stabilization were developed in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties.
The proposed work will involve:
• Overall height reduction of walls from original two story height to a staggered reduction to achieve wall stability.
• Installation of missing brick within wall areas.
• Rebuilding of window and door openings, to include missing lintels.
• Installation of a concrete coping for the top of each wall to protect the wall bricks and to provide a drip edge away from the wall surfaces.
• Selective repointing.
The work will be undertaken by park staff.